Wednesday, September 12, 2012



The American Mistake


Although not a tradition, but a practice that almost everyone in America follows is the US Customary Units. What I don’t understand is the necessity of a different unit of measurement. Unlike the metric unit, the US unit uses strange numerical values for each different unit, such as 12 inches for a foot, or 3 feet for a yard. Compared to the metric unit where it is measured by 10s. 10 millimeters is 1 centimeter, 10 centimeters is 1 decimeter, and so on and and so forth. If we think about the unit conversions, and how it causes so much confusion, especially in the youth, it is detrimental to the US. Instead of teaching children that 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters, we can just teach them the metric system, saving precious teaching time. Instead of autos being manufactured for different markets, auto companies can make one dashboard for the global market. Instead of wasting ink for rulers, we can just print one side which is much more detailed. Of course we would run into the cost of changing all the signs, yet I feel its a necessary cost. Instead of trying to keep our so called “pride”, I believe we must swallow it and accept the Système International d'unités, or SI units. The system is already being utilized in engineering departments, as well as computing such as storage. The unit is fairly easy to remember, with the prefix being the number which determines the size of the measurement. Instead of trying to be unique, unifying under one measurement would be much more cost effective and simple.