Friday, August 24, 2012

Self Awareness

Small update to the world of robotics, researchers at the Social Robotics Lab have programmed a robot to be self aware. We are only slowly beginning to create self aware robots and artificial intelligence.
Full article URL below.
Robot Self Awareness

Thursday, August 23, 2012


An excerpt from my speech:

It is quite depressing seeing how pointless our lives are. We wake up at 6, we arrive at school, we learn, we eat, we excrete waste, we sleep. For around 20 or more years until we switch school to say work, wherever that may be. And then what? we grow old, we reproduce, and then we die. Such a simple life for the most conscient and complex organism on this planet. our lives are as insignificant as the single ant in the colony of billions. and I must ask you, why? why do we pointlessly wander on? why do we enjoy the scenes around us, blissfully ignorant of our imminent death. the thought alone, that we waste our lives doing absolutely nothing, is enough to drive any man crazy. Teenagers worry about what others are doing: “is my hair ok?” or “did you hear so and so”. There are people who are immortal already in our world. Albert Einstein is a great example. Immortality is not just the ability to live forever. It can be a legacy left behind. From Steve Jobs as a pioneer of innovative technology, to the Wright brothers with air travel, legacies are created everyday. Now, what is your legacy?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Digital Life

Humans are beginning to lead a digital life. From the way we communicate and socialize to the way we eat or even buying cars, etc. The average American spends around 32 hours on the internet per month, that is not including the amount of time they would spend on their phones, or any other device. If we take the singularity into effect, it would seem that if we continue this trend, it would eventually lead to a period where we could even "save" our thoughts and conscience onto a hard drive. Basically this "save data" would be a person, and one could then leave their body for an entirely mechanical one. A cybernetic organism would be what this person is, almost without any organic part, but a sentient robot. It isn't really creating a new life, such as artificial intelligence, but it is the transfer of intelligence, conscience, memory, etc. into a new body. Such a practice, to some would be blasphemous. However I feel in the interest of continuing the human dream of immortality, such a goal is understandable. If I cannot attain such a goal, at least let me make headway and die knowing I had made my mark on this world.

From being physically immortal, to being immortal as a contributor to the human species, I believe that this is the true goal one should have. To become immortal in name, as a person who will be remembered for what they achieved throughout their lifetime.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day One

The world around us holds limitless possibilities. We all know the abundance of energy the sun provides or how much electricity the wind may provide. However, rarely do I see an average human thinking about such things. Rarely is it that any person comprehends the vast amount of power they have been granted, just by being born. I believe that, contrary to most British beliefs, that one is not born with greatness, however they work towards it. No matter how high one is in the social ladder,  they will never amount to anything unless they take it upon themselves to change the world. Whoever reads this blog, you must ask yourselves, what is the mark you want to leave on this world? Do you understand the fact that living your life as a "normal" human is paramount to being an ignorant fool? Normality is nothing but a fad. I enjoy extravagance and extreme personality. Never do I feel that such people are annoying or abnormal, these are the people, those that others call crazy, they are the ones that change this godforsaken world. Instead of trying to fit in to the crowd of billions upon billions, I ask you humble reader to appreciate the gifts you have been given, and use them to your full advantage.