Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Digital Life

Humans are beginning to lead a digital life. From the way we communicate and socialize to the way we eat or even buying cars, etc. The average American spends around 32 hours on the internet per month, that is not including the amount of time they would spend on their phones, or any other device. If we take the singularity into effect, it would seem that if we continue this trend, it would eventually lead to a period where we could even "save" our thoughts and conscience onto a hard drive. Basically this "save data" would be a person, and one could then leave their body for an entirely mechanical one. A cybernetic organism would be what this person is, almost without any organic part, but a sentient robot. It isn't really creating a new life, such as artificial intelligence, but it is the transfer of intelligence, conscience, memory, etc. into a new body. Such a practice, to some would be blasphemous. However I feel in the interest of continuing the human dream of immortality, such a goal is understandable. If I cannot attain such a goal, at least let me make headway and die knowing I had made my mark on this world.

From being physically immortal, to being immortal as a contributor to the human species, I believe that this is the true goal one should have. To become immortal in name, as a person who will be remembered for what they achieved throughout their lifetime.

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